I’m usually good with change…

As excited as I am for Kennedy to get here I can’t help but feel sad about closing this chapter in our life. The part where it’s been just the 2 of us. The part where David doesn’t love anyone else more than me. Yep, I said it… I guess that makes me sort of jealous of my unborn child. Anyways, I know it’s a different kind of love, but I still have to share him šŸ™‚

Some people have even less time together before they throw a baby in the mix and maybe that’s part of my problem… I’ve had it this way for too long. But, as long as it’s been, dating since high school and almost 4 years being married, I’m just not sick of him yet šŸ˜‰ It’s not “date nights” because I really don’t care about those at all and that’s what babysitters (or sisters) are for anyways. It’s the plain, old quality time that I’m going to miss.

The boring stuff…

… when I sit in the boat with him and we talk while he works on it or I help him change the oil or whatever.

… when we go get Sonic at 10 at night

… when we stay in bed 5 extra minutes in the morning to cuddle.

… when we work on a project around the house together.

There really isn’t much we don’t do together right now and while I know some things Kennedy can just join in on, I also know that she’ll separate us more often too. I don’t see me taking her up in the boat while he works on it, I see myself inside taking care of her while he does what we used to do together.

I’m sure that once she’s here I’ll love our new normal more than anything, but until then I’m going to be sad about the change. So I guess, until things change, I’m just going to make sure I enjoy these last few weeks, just the 2 of us, and try to box it all up and commit it to memory.

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Iā€™m a twenty-something wannabe city girl living in Tallahassee, FL with my husband and high school sweetheart, David, and our girls, Kennedy and Reese. I'm a financial analyst, much better with numbers than words, but this is my attempt at recording this wonderful, crazy life of ours.

11 thoughts on “I’m usually good with change…”

  1. Good Morning, Honey. I am so thankful that you and David have such a loving relationship…that is so beautiful in itself. Add in baby girl, Kennedy, and you have a new TV show to watch. I am not kidding, you will watch her every move TOGETHER! There will be time to adjust cause a newborn sleeps so much, and you can even watch her do that TOGETHER. Make good use of that time as well to do other stuff while she sleeps. Baby monitors are a wonderful thing. God bless you real good in this last few weeks and then bless you with a quick delivery of a perfect and healthy baby girl. Can’t wait to see you all. XOXOXOXO

  2. Melissa, I have to say I love your honesty. I am sure there are so many women that feel the same way but would not say it for fear people would judge them. I remember feeling the same way. I also married my high school sweet heart and 31 years later I am still in love with him. I have to say I love him even more than I did when we got married, which I didn’t think was possible but when we became parents and I watched him with our children and with me while having his babies it is a new and different love that I never knew was possible. We so loved raising our babies and both went through very empty nest syndrome when it was time for them to leave home but we are now back to the two of us enjoying our time with each other. Kennedy will bring you more love and joy then you will even imagine. I remember thinking when I was pregnant that I loved this baby so much but the second I laid eyes on her the love you have is like no other. You will always have each other and spend time together it will just be doing other things like changing diapers and feeding her and staring at her every move while smiling and praising her every move. I am so happy to hear you say what I had thought so many years ago and never once did I have the courage to say it openly. Thank you for making me realize I was not the only one with that thought. Good Luck with the next few weeks and enjoy every minute you two have together. I can’t wait to see her beautiful face on your blog.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Tammie! It’s a really weird feeling to be so excited, but sad at the same timed šŸ™‚ I’m glad I can get your insight into things!

  3. Oh my goodness – I feel like I could have written this post! My boyfriend and I have said since the day we wanted to get married that we wanted to start our family as soon as we got married. We’ve been dating for a year and a half and he tells people all the time that he keeps trying to start his army, but I’m a murderer (aka I take birth control – gotta love his sense of humor). Now that I know we’re looking down the barrel at getting married sooner rather than later, I can’t help but to feel the same way! I know we’ll have at least 2 years of just “us” time under our belt before we get married, but at the same time, I want to continue to enjoy romantic vacations (we’ve only been on one short vacay while together). I want to be the person he loves the most for a while, even though I know I already am. But, at almost 26 and 29, we’re not getting younger – especially for wanting 4 kids! It seems like those who have been there, done that say that it’s not at all like what we’re worried about, so you’ll definitely have to share & let us know how it works out! & thanks for posting this & making me feel a little more normal!

    1. It’s definitely a big change… I’m so much more excited than I am sad, but it’s in the back of my mind. I guess we just have to remember that we’ll want to take our kids with us on vacations and stuff now, whereas before it was just us. I’ll you know how it goes šŸ˜‰

  4. A 10pm Sonic run sounds amazing! Great post. I also wanted to let you know that I awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award! I love reading your posts, and I am excited to meet Kennedy. You can check out the award and the details in my most recent blog post. Congratulations!

  5. This made me tear up, because this is my “fear” too. Now that you have your baby girl, how are things going? Can you give me any advice? My hubby and I are high school sweethearts too, we’ve been married for almost two years now. We’ve had plenty of time together and we love spending time together. I worry that my life will be consumed with our unborn child and I’ll leave him on the back burner. I see my friends in this situation and it makes me sad. I don’t want to loose sight of our love for eachother. I want to make him my priority, but I know that is hard with a baby. So yes, I need advice as to how you two are doing with the baby and what’s changed since you’ve had your baby. BE HONEST šŸ™‚ haha

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