Life Lately – In iPhone Pictures

My aunt, uncle, and cousins came to Florida and Kennedy had the best time playing with them. Chasing lizards {apparently she has a good eye} and swimming in the hot tub… If they were doing it she wanted in on the fun. {no, the water wasn’t hot and yes, she asks for “hot tub” all the time now}

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David went fishing the other day so I took Kennedy to get a “special treat.” She ate her doughnut sprinkle by sprinkle so it’s a good thing we weren’t in a hurry.

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I bought new sheets for our bed and Reese ate them.

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The girls started taking baths together and it’s about the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen. Kennedy can do no wrong in Reese’s eyes and Kennedy has nothing but love for Reese.

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We had our first beach weekend of the year with our friends and we took the girls to the marine lab. Kennedy was in fishy heaven.

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Kisses from my girls… my favorite.

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