Kennedy Says |4th Birthday Edition|

I know I’m just posting this now, but I actually did this the day after her birthday and it’s been sitting as a draft post ever since so this is me continuing to catch up. AND I don’t necessarily agree with her answers, but I wrote down what her first response was.

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Nicknames – Kennedy and Kennedy Brooke

How old are you? four

What is your favorite color? red (same as last year)

What is your favorite animal? owl

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What is your favorite book? I Was So Mad

What is your favorite TV show?  Dinosaur Train

What is your favorite movie? Cinderella

What is your favorite song?  Colors of the Wind (Pocahontas) and I’ve Got a Dream (Rapunzel)

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What is your favorite food? Pizza

What is your favorite drink? Milk

What is your favorite breakfast food? Pancakes

What is your favorite snack? crackers

What is your favorite outfit? Anna dress

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What is your favorite game? Candyland

What is your favorite toy? blocks

Who is your best friend? Madeline and Riley

What is your favorite thing to do? Catching crabs and fishies at the beach

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What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play in the tree

What is your favorite holiday? She said, “trick or treat”… Halloween

What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Reindeer (This changes on the regular though). The only thing that’s a constant is yellow blankie and blue blankie.

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Where is your favorite place to go?  beach

What is your favorite restaurant? Chef Mickey’s

Where do you want to go on vacation? Disney

What do you want to be when you grow up?  a bulcanologist (volcanologist)

What did you do on your birthday?  She woke up to balloons all over her room and we could hear her saying “oh man, oh man”  “I love this”  “this is amazing” and then we ate Minnie pancakes.  We asked if she wanted Dunkin Donuts, but she said no. We went to the splash pad for a while before we went to her doctor appointment where we found out both girls had strep.  Happy Birthday!  We played at home the rest of the day and they rested on the couch.  We took them to 5 Guys for dinner (where Kennedy asked to go), but neither of them were very hungry.  We got her a cupcake from Small Cakes and then went home to eat the cake she helped bake earlier in the day.  That weekend we went to the beach and planned to go to the Jacksonville Zoo, but we postponed that because of them having strep and her not being in the best mood.

Holland |7 Months|

Almost caught up! This is as of 1.25.17 and… there are some sneak peaks of her nursery. I’ve got 1 more thing to do in there and then I’ll finally post that up.

This month…

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She’s pulling up to stand. I don’t know if she’s shorter than the girls were at this age, but she’s not tall enough yet to pull up on a lot of the things I for sure remember Reesey pulling up on. She easily pulls up if she has your fingers to hang onto though.

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She isn’t full on crawling yet. She scoots forwards and backwards, rocks on her knees and gets the first few movements in before dropping to her belly.

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Sleep is decent. I woke up one morning and you had rolled onto your belly in the marshmallow suit so that was the end of that. You are now in a sleep sack and you sleep on your belly.

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You were having issues finding your paci when you started sleeping on your belly so I scattered pacis all over your crib hoping you’d find one. I think that just made you mad and the glow-in-the-dark ones freaked you out so I just stuck with the paci clipped to your sleep sack and let you figure it out.

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I always sing “How Much Is That Doggy In the Window” when I change your diaper and you love it. Changing you is definitely a battle now as you just roll all over the place.

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Nursing is even harder than changing you. You refuse a cover and have a serious case of FOMO(fear of missing out). If I actually want you to eat anything we have to sit in your room, in the dark, by ourselves. Even that isn’t perfect, but if we don’t do that you are on and off the whole time and we both end up covered in milk. Not my favorite.

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You are so chill and calm, but you are finding your voice and getting louder.

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I moved the height on your bouncer and you jump all around in there.

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Still only 2 teeth, but you bit me. Again, not my favorite.

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You started swinging in the blue swing at the house and you get the biggest smile. The girls love to push you.

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You are a foodie. It’s insane the amount of food you eat and how well you eat. One of the only times you get fussy is if we eat something and don’t share with you.

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You love books and it reminds me so much of Kennedy as a baby. We lay on the floor and read all the time. You kick you feet and squeal and I love it.

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That’s about it. Happy 7 months, Holland!!! I love you so much!

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Holland |6 Months|

6 months… almost caught up! This is as of 12/25/16

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Sitting is no longer cool enough… you want to move.

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You love to stand

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You were very clear about your desire to eat some real food so you got to start baby led weaning a little earlier than Kennedy and Reese did. You have been all in right from the start and you still haven’t met a food you didn’t like.

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At your 6 month appointment you were
-14 pounds 8 ounces (20th percentile)
-26 inches long

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You still love bath time and we still have you in the kitchen sink. It’s so easy, but the time is limited now that you’re sitting so well and getting more mobile.

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You were working on your 2 bottom teeth. 1 cut right before Christmas.

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Sleep was decent except for the teeth cutting. 2 times a night seems to be the norm. I’m ok with that.

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You and Kennedy… sweetest. thing. ever.

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You got to take your first ride in the blue swing

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I love you so much, my sweet baby girl. Happy 6 Months, Holland!

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Holland |5 Months|

This month… 5 months. So this is up to November 25, 2016.

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You roll both ways, but you very rarely roll from your belly to your back.

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You perfected sitting and you seriously never fall over. I kept the boppy around you for another week or so and realized you really didn’t need it.

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Whatever the yoga pose is where you push your butt up in the air and make a triangle… you do that.

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You had your first Halloween. I was going to dress you up, but then I decided it wasn’t really worth it since I’d just be wearing you in the Solly. There’s always next year. You did get to go to a few pumpkin patches and you may have christened a pumpkin with spit up.

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You love watching Kennedy and Reese play and I can’t wait until you get to play right along with them.

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You grab at EVERYTHING and you are a major pincher and hair puller.

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You love to stand

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You love your feet and toes and you put them in your mouth all the time.

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Naps started getting better. Usually 2 longer naps about 1.5 hours and a short 30 minute nap. You still wake up a few times a night to eat.

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You are getting better at putting your paci in yourself. I watch you on the monitor practicing taking it out and putting it back in until you fall asleep.

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You had your first Thanksgiving and you slept through dinner.

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You’re still the sweetest, happiest little baby and I love you so, so much!

Happy 5 Months, Holland Taylor!

Holland |4 Months|

So behind… she turned 6 months on Christmas.  This has been a “season” for our family for sure and now we’re in this weird transitional phase.  Hopefully I’ll be able to blog about that at some point, but monthly posts have to come first.  Or you know, her birth story.  Anyways…

You turned 4 months October 25th and you are still the easiest baby on the planet.

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I stopped swaddling you right when you turned 3 months and you got put in the marshmallow suit. It worked really well for you.

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You’ve had rough patches here and there (a day or two where I could only get you to sleep in the swing, too), but you generally only wake up once or twice a night.  You’re not our best sleeper as far as sleeping through the night, but you put yourself to sleep so quickly and easily and it makes nap time and bedtime a dream.

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Naps are still about 45 minutes and bedtime is at 7.

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At your 4 month check up you were almost 12 pounds and 24″.

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Bathtime is still a favorite for both of us. You don’t have a “witching hour” so we never dread the end of the day. Your hands were a favorite this month, too.

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We broke out the activity jumper and you really liked being able to stand.

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The girls still love you more than anything and you love them right back.

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Happy 4 months, Holland Taylor!

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Holland |3 Months|

3 months old!

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  • You go to sleep around 7/7:15 and wake up once or twice.  You are up for the day at 7.  You are awesome about putting yourself to sleep too and that makes things so much easier.
  • Naps are still only about 45 minutes if you are in your crib, but our house is never quiet either.  They’ll get longer one day… sooner than later please 🙂
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  • You are always trying to lift your head up like you’re in a sitting position.  Even in the car seat you try to sit with your head up.
  • You are more okay with tummy time now and you can hold your head up really well.
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  • You love to stand up and you push against everything with your legs.
  • You found your hands and you suck on them all the time.  You’ve found your thumb a few times, but I’m hoping you just stick with the paci.
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  • Bubbles and drool all day long.
  • You are usually making it 3 hours before you want to eat again.
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  • We lay down on the floor and read books and you just smile and talk the whole time.
  • Bath time is still your favorite and sometimes Kennedy helps.  You guys are so cute together.
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  • If I stick my tongue out at you, you do it right back.
  • You had a bottle and you had some formula.  I was gone unexpectedly and didn’t have any milk pumped, but you needed to eat so Grandma Leanne fed you.
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  • You think Kennedy and Reese are awesome.
  • You started holding onto a few toys and putting them in your mouth.
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  • You are still just the sweetest, happiest, most content little baby I have ever met and I am so thankful God gave me you ❤

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Love you to the moon, Holland Taylor!

Holland |2 Months|

2 Months here we go!

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    • The beginning was terrible as far as sleeping goes.  I couldn’t get you to fall asleep until midnight and it was still touch and go after that.

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    • I moved you to your crib at 6 weeks.  This was totally new to me because Kennedy didn’t move until 3 months or so and Reese slept in our room until almost 6 months because… Reese.  You were such a loud sleeper and everything woke me up so I tried it on a whim and we both slept better.

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    • Speaking of loud sleeping… I don’t have the monitor sound on.  I leave our door open so I hear you cry, but even the lowest setting on the monitor you wake me up and I think you’re awake and when I go in there you’re sound asleep.

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  • I started working on getting you in a little routine and moving bedtime up.

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  • You are a solid 45 minute napper unless I wear you.

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  • You don’t love tummy time, but you deal with it for a little while at least.  You have had a really strong neck since you were born.

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  •  You started talking and cooing, but still rarely ever cried.  When we did hear you cry it was actually a weird sound because it never happens.  I’m most impressed by this at night because you don’t get fussy like Kennedy and Reese both did in the evenings.

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  • You were in newborn and 0-3 month clothes and newborn diapers until I ran out and then we moved you to size 1.

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  • The girls love to play with you and they are usually very good about being gentle.

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    • You started smiling right at the end of 1 month and you smile all the time.  I love this about you because Kennedy and Reese were both very serious.

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Happy 2 months, baby girl!

Holland |1 Month|

Baby girl you’re already almost 3 months as I type this, but here’s what I don’t want to forget about your first month.

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  • You were (and still are) the calmest, sweetest baby ever.
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  • You were 7 pounds 4 oz at birth, 6 pounds 12 oz when we left the hospital, and 8 pounds 15 ounces when we went for your 1 month check up at 5 weeks.
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  • You had the worst problem with hiccups.  You got them all day long.  They didn’t bother you, but they kept waking you up so trying to figure out how to get you to sleep without getting hiccups was our main goal.
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  • We tried all the things, but our winning combo the first month was to swaddle you and put you in the bouncer.  We put the bouncer in the pack and play so it was up higher and I didn’t have to bend over to pick you up at night.  The key to the hiccups was also laying you just slightly on your side and not straight on your back.
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  • Once we figured out the positioning you started sleeping really well for a newborn and only woke up 1 or 2 times a night.
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  • You love bath time.  You are my first baby to ever sleep through a bath though.
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  • You love to be worn.  I got the Solly wrap this time and it’s been awesome for both of us.
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  • You actually rolled over accidentally a few times one day.  You were like 3 weeks old, but you haven’t done it since.
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I think that’s it.  Sleep. Eat. Poop about sums up the first month anyways.  

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Happy 1 month! I love you, Holland!

Snip Snip

It’s like a cardinal parenting rule:  Should your kid become too quiet go figure out what they did wrong, broke, painted, or in my case CUT.

So, one day back in February I was sitting in the living room, working on painting the headboards for the girl’s new room, during Reese’s nap.  Kennedy had been sitting with me, but she left and went into her room.  She doesn’t take naps anymore, but when Reese naps Kennedy is supposed to do quiet activities.  I didn’t think anything of the fact that she was being quiet, especially since Reese was asleep in there, and there isn’t anything she can’t play with in their room, BUT I should have known.

Kennedy had recently used a pair of scissors in one of her classes and cutting with scissors was her new favorite thing.  I didn’t want her using our big scissors, or any pair for that matter really, but I went and got her first pair of scissors, a preschool pair.  Earlier in the day, she had been practicing cutting out shapes at the kitchen table.  I had no idea the scissors were still out or when she got them, but when David went into her room to check on her she was sitting on her floor innocently cutting out shapes from paper.  It was time to wake up Reese anyways and I didn’t want her using them in her room by herself so I went in there.  I walked up to Reese to wake her up, brushed the hair off her face, and that’s when I saw it.  Little clumps of hair all. over. her. bed.   While Reese slept, Kennedy had played hair salon.

Immediately, I’m thinking 1000 things at once.  Why didn’t I check on her sooner?  We went over the NEVER cutting hair situation when we got the scissors… why did she cut her sister’s hair?!  Why did I ever mention cutting hair like that was even a possibility?  Poor Reesey… she hardly has any hair at all and she’s dying for long hair like her sister and now she looks like Rihanna with a half-shaved head.  The worst haircut ever.  All the feels.

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Anyways, I had to deal with the aftermath somehow so I debated 2 options.  Give her a pixie cut or trim it up to conceal it a little better and ride out the awkward.  I went with the second option because I felt terrible cutting off her hair when I know she wants it long.

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Luckily, her hair is so blonde that it was hidden a little more that way too, but the first few weeks were definitely awkward.

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Now, it’s been about 2 months and it looks so much better than it did that first day. Much less blunt and lucky for her, her hair is growing pretty quickly right now.

Kennedy realized what a bad idea the haircut was when she asked me to fix it and I explained that I couldn’t fix it.  My parents were coming to town the next day and she kept asking me over and over not to tell them that she cut Reese’s hair.  She was so anxious about them finding out.  I told her I wouldn’t tell them, but if they noticed we’d have to explain what happened.  She ended up just spilling the whole story about a minute after they walked in the door and you could tell she felt so much better that they knew. Sometimees Reese still tells people that Kennedy cut her hair or she’ll mention it to me when I brush it, but she wasn’t really phased by it at all.  I’m forever traumatized and not sure Kennedy or any of my children will ever use a pair of scissors again.

So that’s, that.  I think it’s the first sibling right of passage we’ve had at our house and I’m sure it won’t be the last.  Good luck, #3.


Reese Update |2 years|

Reese will be 2.5 years old in May so I need to get this done before she turns 3.

Here’s what she’s been up to…

– She loves, loves, loves clothes. She can get herself completely dressed and she changes her clothes probably 15 times a day. She only wants to wear dresses or dress-up dresses and getting her to wear shorts or pants isn’t easy. She’s also super picky and getting her to wear something other than what she pulls out of the closet is a major battle. I can’t say that I blame her because I’m picky too, but wearing a dress and dress shoes to the playground isn’t always the smartest/safest option. She figured that out on her own last time when I let her wear that to the playground and her feet slipped off everything. I’ve also made her wear a certain dress to church and then when we get there I realize she’s put something else on underneath it.

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– She started to potty train herself around 20 months or so and I was not ready for that. We really didn’t have to do anything and she’s 100% in underwear now.
We tried to keep her in a diaper or a pull-up for bedtime because I didn’t trust her to stay dry all night, but the battles were too much so I let her try it and she proved me wrong.

– She hates taking naps now. It’s a million times easier for me to plan some kind of drive home around her nap time and transfer her to her bed or else getting her to take a nap is next to impossible. Even if I lay down with her, or sit in her room, she doesn’t go to sleep. I’d almost be OK with an earlier bedtime and no nap, but she will end up falling asleep randomly at some point in the afternoon and it’s usually not at the most convenient time. She still needs a nap.  (and sneak peak of the girl’s new room!)

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– She is my adventurous eater and she has a pretty decent appetite most days considering how tiny she is. There isn’t much she won’t try and a lot of the things she really likes Kennedy wouldn’t touch. She loves having yogurt with blueberries and granola and she eats that or scrambled eggs for breakfast every day. It’s very rare to see her eat a pancake or a waffle and that’s what Kennedy asks me for ever day. She also loves american cheese slices and she calls it morgan cheese. It’s one of the few words she pronounces incorrectly and I think it’s hilarious.

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– She talks constantly. Full paragraphs. It makes for good conversation between the 2 girls and it’s funny to listen in. I will say having 2 very talkative kids makes me crave silence at the end of the day.

– She loves to dance and dress up. She puts a princess dress on and asks me to play a song and she dances all around the house. My mom saved all of our dance costumes and the girls have a field day when we go home. Reese has fallen madly in love with one of my sister’s first ever dance costumes and it pretty much stays on the entire time were home.

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– Kennedy will just sit FOREVER and do workbooks, read books, puzzles… any kind of learning activity basically and actually WANT to do those things. It’s very easy to teach her just about anything. Reese on the other hand… she’s definitely not the first child. She’s my free spirit and everything I try to teach her has to be action based or some kind of song. It’s only been in the last few months that she will sit with me and read a book because before she had no interest and I’d just be reading out loud as she played. For a while she would let you read a few and now she let’s you read half a book and then decides she’s going to read the rest herself.

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– Did I mention she’s strong-willed? I’ve always said her motto is that quote, “and though she be but little she is fierce” and she’s still living up to that. The girl has got major attitude and she will not go down without a fight. Being 2 is bringing that out so nicely in her.

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– She is freaking adorable. She has this smile that will just melt your heart and you can’t stay mad at her. She knows it too and that’s the worst. If she is getting upset and starting to get an attitude and you say “Reesey don’t smile” she will start smiling and laughing right away.

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– She is my cuddle bug and it’s the best. Kennedy was my snuggly baby, but Reese LOVES to snuggle now. She loves to be held, give hugs and kisses (she gives the longest kisses to me by the way… borderline awkward, but it’s hilarious), sit as close to me as possible on the couch, and have me lay with her before bed where she almost suffocates me with her hugs.

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– She’s incredibly independent and it’s both good and bad. If it’s something I want her to do on her own it’s great, but if I don’t want to wait the extra however long it takes for her to climb into the car and get herself into her car seat it’s not so great. Or it just might not be safe for her to do something and that really makes her mad. This is where the majority of our battles stem from.

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She’s not a fan of water.  Last summer we’d go to the pool or the splash pad or the beach and she likes to hang and eat snacks and not go in the water.  By the end of last summer she was going in at the beach a little, but we went to the splash pad once this year already and she had no interest so we’ll see how interested she is this year.

I’m sure there’s more, but that’s enough for now.

Love you Reesey Pie!