Easter 2014

I’ll start by saying that Kennedy kept with the tradition of being a holy terror during a holiday. If you forgot about our awesome Christmas you can read about that here.

Kennedy decided to wake up at 5:45 Easter morning so she was in an excellent mood all day. I’m not really kidding when I say she had about 3 happy moments… the entire day.

eating breakfast, but that was really just because her mouth was too full to cry or whine.

I put her breakfast in Easter eggs and put them in an egg carton and that was her favorite thing. She didn’t care at all about the basket full of stuff sitting right next to the eggs.

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•two and three
hunting for Easter eggs and we just so happened to have 2 hunts.

We went to the 11 o’clock service with the hopes of Reese taking a nap before church and both girls taking a nap in the car on the way to the Easter party with our Sunday school class.

Car nap… Total fail. The party was great, but we spent the majority of the afternoon picking a deliriously tired Kennedy off the floor because we wouldn’t let her “swing the bunnies” on this Easter decoration sitting out at the house we were at.

I got zero pictures of the girls together. When we asked Kennedy to come sit by Reese on the couch she just started flopping around on the couch like a dead fish {with the accompanying no, no, no} so we just moved her and took one of Reese.

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It was a long day. The upside to the early wake up and no naps was an early bedtime. Happy Easter to me.

Easter 2015… you’re on my high hopes list now, too.

AND I can’t wait for Kennedy to read my blog one day BUT I’ll probably wait until after she has kids… preferably an almost 2 year old.

Life Lately – In iPhone Pictures

My aunt, uncle, and cousins came to Florida and Kennedy had the best time playing with them. Chasing lizards {apparently she has a good eye} and swimming in the hot tub… If they were doing it she wanted in on the fun. {no, the water wasn’t hot and yes, she asks for “hot tub” all the time now}

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David went fishing the other day so I took Kennedy to get a “special treat.” She ate her doughnut sprinkle by sprinkle so it’s a good thing we weren’t in a hurry.

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I bought new sheets for our bed and Reese ate them.

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The girls started taking baths together and it’s about the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen. Kennedy can do no wrong in Reese’s eyes and Kennedy has nothing but love for Reese.

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We had our first beach weekend of the year with our friends and we took the girls to the marine lab. Kennedy was in fishy heaven.

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Kisses from my girls… my favorite.

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Painted Piggys

There’s nothing cuter than baby feet…

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especially when the tiny toes are painted bubblegum pink. {yes, her foot is dirty in this picture}

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I’ve been wanting to do this FOREVER! The perfect time finally came now that it’s warming up here in Florida and Kennedy hands down REFUSES to wear socks.

Have I mentioned how much I love having a baby girl?!


I’ve made this list of things that MUST be done before Kennedy gets here and I guess you can call it nesting, but I think it just makes me crazy.

Here’s the list.

– Wash all the baseboards. DONE!

– Wash the walls in the master bath.

– Dust walls in our bedroom. DONE! I dunno if it’s from having the TV on the wall or what, but the wall above the TV was super dusty.

– dust and clean fans

– clean fridge/freezer

– clean and oil kitchen cabinets. DONE!

– organize the nursery. I think this is a never ending process, but it’s making me do stupid things like burn dinner because I’m in the nursery organizing and reorganizing.

– get the carpet cleaned

And then there are some projects that need to be finished.

– glue the thresholds down in the hallway

– paint trim

– new shower and faucet in the guest bath (we never replaced these when we re-did the bathroom)

Ok, so most of this needed to be done anyways just as a spring cleaning, but does any of this affect Kennedy at all. I think no. I’m sure I won’t have time to do this stuff when she gets here so maybe that’s my reason for needing to get it all done now. Either way, I’m too pregnant to be doing this stuff, but that doesn’t seem to be stopping me 🙂

Destin for the Weekend

I’m a beach girl all the way and that’s 1 of the things I love about living in Florida, beaches everywhere! As long as I’ve lived in Florida I’d never been to Destin, except for a shopping trip, so I was super excited when we planned a fairly spur of the moment trip to Destin. It’s about 2.5 hours from our house and we left early Saturday morning.

When we got there we grabbed lunch and did some shopping.

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David loves to make me take awkward pictures (typically involving camo or me wearing camo) because he knows I hate it… I aim to please.

We stayed at the Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort, so after shopping we checked into the hotel and checked everything out. We spent the rest of the weekend and Monday just relaxing.

David did A LOT of fishing (he was in heaven… He was able to fish in stocked ponds, the bay, and the ocean all in 1 weekend). I was able to lay around and read while he fished.

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He actually almost caught this guy… (see him, the little blue crab)


I really did catch my first fish, but I wouldn’t hold it so David held it for the picture. When I was reeling the bait in I said to him, “I think it’s caught on something” and David starts yelling, “yeah, A FISH” I’m not sure he’ll ever stop making fun of me for that one.

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This was at the marina
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At breakfast… this was insanely good. Cinnamon roll french toast with berries and whip cream. And I’m pregnant so yes, I’m allowed to take pictures of my food!
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we hung out at the beach… though I was going nowhere near a bathing suit at 35 weeks pregnant so it was just more walking around and fishing.

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Biggest group of pelicans I think we’ve ever seen.

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And we had way too much fun hanging out with the birds at Starbucks. They ate right out of our hand!
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When we left David said, “I think we should retire here” so I’d say it was a good trip. I’d go back any day 🙂

Guppy Update – 35 weeks


Musings on the Weekly Photo(s):
– I like my shoes
– I need a haircut… it’s getting really long.

Marination Time: 35 weeks 5 days (we’re exactly 1 month til K-Day! Um… but she can feel free to come sooner!)

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Fruit of the Week/Size of Guppy: A Butternut Squash or is it squtternut buash? (anyone, anyone?) She’s about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. From here on out, she won’t get much longer, but she’ll keep getting all the cute baby fat 🙂 She’s now about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds, and she’ll put on a pound or more of baby fat before birth.

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Movement: Still kickin’. She actually tricked the Doctor today because initially her butt was on my left side so my Doctor was looking for her heartbeat on the left side, but she couldn’t find it. Finally, Kennedy stuck her butt up and we realized it was on the right side now. So, she likes to turn side to side still. Weird thing was I didn’t feel her do it. David says she’s a ninja… maybe.

Cravings: Nope.

– I’m tired. Work wears me out and I just want to fall in bed by the time I get home.
– A symptom I don’t have that shocked my doctor was “pressure.” Really though, lower back… good. Front… good. “Delivery area”… good. She’s apparently right on my bladder, but it’s not bothering me at all. I’m totally ok with all of this 🙂

What I Miss:
– Nothing this week.

Belly Button: Is it possible for it to unpop? I think my stomach must have gotten bigger and caught up to it because now it’s pretty much flat again.

Stretch Marks: Same.

Labor Signs: Lots of contractions still and her head is really low, but that’s about it.

– I think everyone is still expecting a long (tall?) baby… when my doctor walked in the room yesterday she looked at me and said,”you can’t breathe at all can you?” because her butt and feet are up so high, but then later she said, “oh, but her head is so low.” So yes, she may be long.
– Just about everyone asks when I’m due now and when I tell them the first thing they typically say is, “oh, so any day now.” I think it might make David a little nervous 😉

Highlights of the Week:
– our mini vacay in Destin over the weekend.
– Being 1 month away!
– graduated to once a week doctor appointments

Back to life… back to reality

I was here a few hours ago…

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an amazing beach day in Destin.

Now I’m sitting at my kitchen table staring at this…

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A STACK of tax papers. Thanks to my company’s acquisition I got 4, count em’ FOUR, w-2s all to myself. This in addition to David’s stuff and whatever other randomness we have going on. It’s going to be a pain. I HATE TAX SEASON and I’ll be trying not to be angry for the next day or so after I “render to Caesar what is Caesar’s.”

Matthew 22:15-22
15Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words. 16They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians. “Teacher,” they said, “we know you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You aren’t swayed by men, because you pay no attention to who they are. 17Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?”

18But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, “You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? 19Show me the coin used for paying the tax.” They brought him a denarius, 20and he asked them, “Whose portrait is this? And whose inscription?”

21“Caesar’s,” they replied.

Then he said to them, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”

22When they heard this, they were amazed. So they left him and went away.

Guppy Update – 34 weeks

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Musings on the Weekly Photo(s):
– my view lately.
– we’re attempting to pack, edit wedding photos, start our taxes and clean tonight so a Guppy pictures just wasn’t fitting in time wise. I think this is amusing in its own right though 🙂

Marination Time: 34 weeks 5 days
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Fruit of the Week/Size of Guppy: A durian?! Never heard of it… Google image to the rescue! She is about 18 inches long and weighs about 5.25 pounds. She’s basically spending all her time in there adding fat and getting bigger now.

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Movement: I’ll let the video do the talking… it’s not a long video but you can fast forward to about 20 seconds to get the jist.

Like I said, it kind of weirds me out! Also, I’ve realized it is impossible to keep a shirt looking nice at the end of your pregnancy for several reasons. 1. because there are fewer and fewer options as you get bigger and I REALLY have zero desire to buy another maternity item so I just rotate and the stuff gets worn a lot. 2. People touch my stomach A LOT and so do I and I don’t think clothes were meant to be rubbed so much. I could use my fabric shaver, but that just requires too much effort at this point 😉

Cravings: Nope… I’m at the point now where I actually contemplate whether or not eating is worth the ridiculously full feeling after. It really feels likes the food is stuck at the bottom of my throat because there is no where for it to go!

– Can’t. Breathe. Getting. Worse.

What I Miss:
– painting my toes… Super good excuse for needing lots of pedicures though 🙂

Belly Button: it’s popping a little more… now it’s not just the top of it anymore.

Stretch Marks: same.

Labor Signs: I’m having a lot more contractions lately… A few an hour sometimes. Nothing painful or time able yet though.

– I’m slowly turning my office into my bedroom… New pillows everyday!
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– I’ve been buying random baby things like wipes pretty much every time I go to the store and it’s so surreal that I’m buying that stuff for us… Because we’re having a baby soon!
– I’m getting very good at using my stomach as a shelf 🙂
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Highlights of the Week:
– we’re going on a kind of random trip to Destin for a long weekend. It’s my last week for traveling so we’re taking advantage of it 🙂 Oh how I love the beach and living in Florida!
– on Sunday I’ll be 35/35! 35 weeks with 35 days left… I know that technically this should be in next weeks update but I’ve been excited about it all this week!


1 When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. 2 Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb 3 and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?”
4 But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. 5 As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed.

6 “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. 7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’”

8 Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid. Mark 16:1-8

Natalie Grant – Alive

Who but You
Could breathe and leave a trail of galaxies
And dream of me?

What kind of love
Is writing my story till the end
With Mercy’s Pen?
Only You.

What kind of King
Would choose to wear a crown
that bleeds and scars
To win my heart.

What kind of Love
Tells me I’m the reason He can’t stay
Inside the grave

Is it You?
Standing here before my eyes
Every part of my heart cries.

Alive, Alive
Look what Mercy’s overcome
Death has lost and Love has won!

Alive, Alive
Halleujah, Risen Lord
the only one I fall before

I am His
because He is

Who could speak
and send the demons back from where they came
with just one name?

what other heart
would let itself be broken every time
until he healed mine?

you. only you
could turn my darkness into dawn
running right into your arms

alive, alive
Look what Mercy’s overcome
Death has lost and Love has won!

alive, alive!
Halleujah, Risen Lord
the only one i fall before

I am His
because He is

Emmanuel, the promised king,
the baby who made angels sing,
son of man who walked with us
healing, breathing in our dust

the author of all history
the answer to all mysteries
the lamb of God who rolled away
the stone in front of every grave.

alive, alive
Look what Mercy’s overcome
Death has lost and Love has won!


I am His
because He is

Happy Easter!