5 on Saturday

Checking in with a quick 5 on Saturday!


I’m currently in Indianapolis at the MOPS convention.  I’ve somehow managed to become the coordinator of one of our local MOPS groups so I left my babies, and David, for 3 days {I know let’s not talk about it} to learn all the things… and stalk Jen Hatmaker.  


Okay let’s talk about it.  Me leaving for multiple days because I’ve never left my girls this long.  I’ve done two 24 hour-ish trips for my sister and BFF’s bachelorette parties and David and I snuck away to Destin for a night last year, but that’s it!  I’m handling it better than I thought, but I miss them.  A lot.  Reese kept saying, “you’re going on an airplane, mommy” and Kennedy just kept with the, “but I don’t want you to leave”.  They’re used to daddy leaving to go to work, but the only time I leave is to go to the store at night. I do feel better that they get to stay home in their beds, with their daddy, and they get to stay on their schedule.  Can’t wait to scoop them up tomorrow morning though!


We got a new rug for the living room.  Upside of having dogs is that they ruin your rugs on the regular so I get to pick new ones.  If they mess this one up I’m coming for them though because I really love it. Special. Farm.

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There have been discussions made for a while now about me getting a minivan.  I’m adamantly against this idea.  I’m not really even an SUV person so please don’t put me in a minivan.  I know… all the benefits, and the practicality, and guess what Melissa… you’re a mom, but I am trying to hold onto that tiny shred of person I was pre-babies.  Anyways, it’s now the joke in my family and my mom sent me this this other day.

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If I cave and end up in a mommy-mobile I’m doing it.  Take that stick figure families.


Last week Kennedy was all about Peter Pan because he could fly.  They’re convinced now that the reflection on the ceiling in the morning from the glass on my phone is Tinker Bell. No clue I’m wiggling my phone around to move the reflection.  
This week it’s Toy Story and Kennedy is Woody.  She requested chalk drawings of the characters and my have made some hilarious “that’s what she said” comments  about Buzz.  
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and one more because they’re cute and I miss them

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Happy Saturday!

5 on Friday… on Tuesday 


My sister had her baby! I’m officially Auntie {an-tee not un-tee} Mel and she has my middle name 🙂  The girls got their first cousin, too, and I’m so excited for them to grow up together.  


I always have 100 black bananas in my freezer ready to make banana bread, but I made these with Kennedy and Reese the other day instead and they were awesome.  Tell me there’s brown butter in something and I’m there.  


We picked blueberries with the girls the other day.  Kennedy picked as many as she could while Reese carried the bucket and ate as many as she could.  She had no interest in picking them.  It was a lot of fun except for the tick I found on me later that day.  Better me than the girls, but ticks are at the top of my list of things the creep me out.  


I’m laying in bed the other night and I smell pee. I keep telling David it stinks in our room and I’m about ready to go sleep on the couch and really can’t figure out why this is bothering me so much and not him when I realize… I’m laying in it. My awesome dog peed all over the corner of our bedspread and sheet and I was wrapped. in. it. 


I can’t think of anything else… I’m skipping 5. 

5 on Friday


We just got back from Disney and it was awesome. One day at Animal Kindgom and two days at Magic Kingdom. I’ll attempt a full recap with pictures soon, but you know how well I blog these days. Anyways, I think David and I both have been sucked into the Disney machine which is weird because I’ve never been much of a Disney fan even though I love the movies. But, I get it now. I have 2 baby girls who loves princesses and… I get it.

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Clearly, no fun was had.


I came home from vacation to dog puke/pee, rotting food that got left in the fridge, and flies/mosquitoes. I told David to take me back to the most magical place on earth. Well played, Disney. Well played.

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Kennedy is turning 3 this month. Reese will be 18 months. Reese is older now than Kennedy was when I had Reese. I can’t process that information. I want to hold my eyes open with toothpicks so I don’t blink. And then sometimes I want to blink in rapid-fire because, parenting.


We’ve been so, so busy lately and we’re tired. Luckily, we have nothing planned for the next few weeks/weekends and I can’t wait to have nothing to do and no where to go. This month has totally escaped me somehow. How are we already a week into May?


My sister is about to have her baby. I can’t believe my baby sister is about to have a baby! I can. not. wait to be an auntie! Anyways, I took some maternity pictures for her last weekend and she’s just super adorable. You can go to her blog to see them, but here’s this one that I love.

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5 on Friday

My dad has always been a huge Dunkin Donuts coffee fan. I just thought it was a weird loyalty because before he became a pilot he drove a semi-truck for DD and delivered all the ingredients to the stores. No. It’s just the best. coffee. ever. I bought a huge bag of it from Costco and when we ran out I just grabbed some regular coffee at Target. Bad idea. Bad. Idea.

I’m over winter. Really, as soon as Christmas comes and goes I’m ready for spring.

Wednesday morning I was holding Reese, who had fallen asleep while she was nursing, and Kennedy was cuddling next to me. Next thing I know, Kennedy looks at me and proceeds to puke all over my lap, barely missing Reese’s legs. Then, she stood up and puked all over the rug. She was totally fine after that so I guess it was something she ate. Somehow, I’m always the catchall for puke.

Reese is cutting at least 3, and maybe 4 teeth right now. She’s happy.

I can’t stop making brown butter sea salt chocolate chip cookies. Kennedy bakes and cooks with me everyday and she’s made them with me twice in the last few weeks so she knows the general sound of it all. Last night while she was going to bed I made some and this morning she said, “did you make cookies while I was sweeping {sleeping}?” I told her no and I wasn’t lying because last night I didn’t make any cookies…I just made the dough and ate it out of the bowl.

Happy Friday!

Just So you Know

Reese slept through the night last night. I know, I can’t believe it either. I woke up around 4:45 and thought she’d be waking me up any minute, but it never happened. I have no expectations that this will last, but I needed that.

I got my first truly judgey look from and old person today at Trader Joes. Up until now everything Kennedy did was baby-ish and cute, but I guess we’ve passed that point. Kennedy loves that place because of the tiny shopping carts and she knows exactly where they are so she started sprinting for them once we got inside and telling me she was going to get her shopping cart. She ran past this white-haired old lady, not into her, she didn’t cut her off, just past her, and this lady turned and looked at me like Kennedy just killed someone. I wanted to flick her in the nose and smack her in the back of the head.

Seriously. Seriously? If I thought she was doing something wrong I absolutely would have corrected her, but she wasn’t. She was just excited about her shopping cart and SHE’S TWO. If some cranky old lady can’t stand to see a happy child that’s her fault, not mine. Find joy lady, find joy.

How old is too old for bubble rompers and ruffle butts because I switched the girls clothes out last week to their fall/winter stuff and it makes me sad to think Kennedy may be too old for those next summer. Three is totally young enough still, right?

And I’m dying that I’m going to have a three-year old next year.

Birthdays that aren’t spring/summer birthdays are hard to plan. I have no clue what I’m doing for Reese yet.

My eye has been twitching all morning and I’m getting really irritated. I know that doesn’t matter at all to you, but this post is all about the unnecessary.

Happy Wednesday!

Yep, Still Here

Somehow I haven’t blogged in 2 weeks… I blame my children and about a million other things, but I’m back to blogging {for now}.

So, let me just catch you right up. Let’s see…

The Never-Ending-Kitchen Project…. Still never ending. I think after we got the kitchen back to a function state David and I both just needed a mental break from the whole deal. We’re slowing putting our toes back in the water now though. Maybe it’ll be finished before the end of the year.

In the saddest of news, my sister is leaving me and moving back to Orlando. I’ve decided to pretend it isn’t happening so there’s that.

Both girls are teething. Kennedy is getting her first of the 2-year molars and Reese is getting one of her top teeth. Yayyyyy, I love teething! {please, please sense my sarcasm}

I deleted Facebook. Well, not really. I still have an account, but it’s not on my phone and I’m not checking it regularly. Haven’t missed it for a second. I miss the old Facebook that used to just be a bunch of college kids. Whatever this new Facebook is that fills up my newsfeed with random nonsense all day isn’t worth the little bit of free time I have. {if you’re reading this from a Facebook link it’s because WordPress posts it for me}

I’m almost ready for fall. I can’t believe I’m saying that because I hate being cold, but I’m excited for comfy, cozy clothes… and boots and scarves of course.

I bought some chairs to re-do and I’m so excited about them. They may bump the never-ending-kitchen project on the list. I mean, it’s never ending anyways…

And you’re totally caught up now. It’s like I was never gone!

5 on Friday


Happy 4th of July! We don’t have plans, but we’ll probably pick up a few little fireworks for Kennedy to see from the driveway.

We did a 4th of July craft this week and made a firework out of construction paper and glitter. Kennedy just about turned into glitter, but she had fun and my bathtub is very sparkly now.

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Any kind of developmental milestone sleep {or lack thereof} is no fun, but that on top of teething sleep for an already bad sleeper just sucks. Reese is starting to crawl and won’t stop trying to stand in her crib, while she’s getting her 2nd tooth, so sleep just isn’t happening. It really is a good thing she’s so cute!

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I’m researching car seats because it’s time to move Reese out of the infant seat… Tell me your thoughts on the Diono Radian RXT. I’m thinking of moving Kennedy to that seat and putting Reese in our Britax Marathon 70-g3. I like that it’s a 3-1 because Kennedy is still rear-facing and we plan on keeping her that way, but I’ve also read that it takes up a lot of space rear-facing and doesn’t always fit in the car.


It’s really hot here. I think the heat index was like 110 the other day. I just read somewhere that Tallahassee is both the hottest and the coldest city in Florida… Yay.


How is it July, anyways? How do I have a 2 year old and an almost 8 month old?!

Happy Friday!

Product Review |Spring Vox Box|

Here’s the latest and greatest…

Rimmel London Scandaleyes Retro Glam Mascara – $5.99

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Well, it’s mouthful to say that’s for sure. The actual product I liked a lot. I’ve said this before, but I usually hates new mascara. I open it up, pump the wand a few times, close it and let it age for a week or so. This one though, it’s one of the first mascaras I’ve tried that isn’t super thin when you first open it. I liked it best with at least 2 coats, but I was a fan.

Kiss Everlasting French Nails – $6.49

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Okay, I’m just going to throw this out there that I’m not a huge french manicure fan. I’m a full-color fingernail kind of gal and going with a french manicure on my wedding day is one of my few regrets. Anyways, I tried to look at the product objectively and just assumed I’d buy a set of color nails if I had my choice.

The application was really easy once I found the nails that fit my fingernails. That part was a little time consuming though… maybe I’m just too novice.

I also remember doing fake nails as a kid and always seeing bubbles under the nail, but these actually looked really good and essentially like a set of acrylics.

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My set came in a medium length and they were way too long for me. So, I trimmed them to a more functional length for myself and they really customize well. I thought they would break or just look plain awful, but they basically did whatever I told them too.

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{yes, yes I do have the longest fingers on the planet and I should have played piano longer… }

I think these would work well for some kind of event where you want the clean look of a manicure without the trip to the salon or the price.

Playtex Sport Fresh Balance – $3.99-4.99

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Here’s where I’m not much help. You see, I keep getting pregnant or I’m nursing a baby so I haven’t had to use these since oh, 2011. Seriously, I sound like I’m 55.

Here’s what I can tell you…

They’re lightly scented and they actually smell good not like moth balls or whatever that tampon aisle smell is.

The packaging is cute and fun, but they’re small and easy to travel around with.

And that’s about all I’ve got for you there. They seem nice I just can’t give you a real testimonial here and I feel like that would be awkward anyways.

Moving on…

NIVEA Skin Firming Hydration Lotion – $2.49 2.5oz/$10.99 13.5oz

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I haven’t used this for the full 2 weeks that they say it takes for firmer, more toned skin, but I do like it.

The lotion dries/absorbs quickly and doesn’t feel greasy, but my skin stayed smooth and didn’t feel dry. The scent is also a win in my book because it’s not overpowering at all.

Softlips Cube – $3.49

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This packaging is super cute and the actual product is rounded and very similarly shaped to the one I’ve been using. It makes my lips look just a tiny bit glossy which was nice and it was really smooth {no stickiness}.

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I tried the pomegranate blueberry flavor and I liked it. I’m pretty sure Kennedy would eat this if she got her hands on it. There’s also fresh mint and vanilla bean flavors.

Last but not least…

Go see Labor Day the movie because it’s out on DVD now and really, who doesn’t love Kate Winslet?

I received these product complimentary for testing purposes from Influenster, but as always it’s my own honest to goodness opinion

5 on Friday


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I’m trying not to get my hopes up, but I think Reese figured out how to sleep at night! We’ve had a few 1 wake-up nights and she’s going to sleep without fighting it so I’m seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. She also started taking naps without the marshmallow suit and goodness she looks so tiny in that crib now!


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We picked a few things from our garden this week! 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, and 1 zucchini. Kennedy was so excited she bit into the zucchini standing in the yard.


I may have dented my front bumper the other day. Like a basketball size dent… I’m kicking myself for not taking a picture of it. I was backing out {my forte if you know me} and hadn’t even hit the gas yet so nothing was cracked or anything. David unscrewed the bumper, popped it back out, and did some detailing magic on it. Can’t even tell… So it didn’t actually happen.


There’s a bird that lives in a tree outside our house and he is something so wrong with him. He chirps and sings all.night.long. GO TO BED!

I found a peppermint k-cup from Christmas stuck in the back of our k-cup holder yesterday. I saved it for this morning and I’m loving my little bit of Christmas in June.

Happy Friday!

5 on Friday


Kitchen progress… It’s slow, slowwwww, but it’s starting to come together and we’re excited about the finished product.

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My baby turns 2 on Monday. I can’t believe it… No… I don’t want to believe it.


I love Method hand-soap and this is my official summer scent. I’ve already gone through a few bottles so go try it!


Renovating a kitchen, planning a birthday party, and having a baby that wakes up several times a night is kind of exhausting. I don’t plan on moving after Saturday when her party is over.


I can’t think of anything else so happy Friday!